A mission has been bestowed upon me to feed the hungry, free the enslaved and bring light to the multitudes. It is time for the garden to return to the earth. Millions are being asked to carry their burden and travel the often rocky road to peace. They have seen a Vision of Brotherhood; the Unanimity of the Human Race.
The Glory of victory shines in the yonder land with a brightness that overcomes all evil and obstacles. Truly the glory of Love is lighting the way.
Perhaps you have seen a glimpse of this new direction of actual peace on earth and desire more. Do not wonder how you can make a difference because just by seeing the light, however small of the New Age, you are bringing about peace on earth.
The love you bring will free all into a Beautiful River of Life.
~Day 30~Actual Peace on Earth

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Love Illuminations "Word of the Age of Spiritual Freedom"