Thursday, September 30, 2010

Love Illuminations Sept. 30, 2010 "A New Way"

Awake, you child of the universe!! See the light of the new day. Feel yourself a part of this new way, for truly you would not even exist if Mother/Father God did not have a divine purpose for you.

If you would merely open your eyes, then you would see. Open the sight to your heart and let the communication flow. Open the door to your mind and see the connection that makes you a great part of the higher reality.

Now is the time and you are the key to the blessed unfoldment of the New Age. Stand up in full power and take your well earned place at the right hand of God.

The love in your heart will light your way then you will know you are, “God, I Am.”
~Day 10~
At times, the days of our lives may seem empty and without direction, yet within we know there must be a Master Plan. These words are brought to you to give you strength on your spiritual journey, as they have me on mine. For 150 days a writing came forth as a part of a daily meditation. You too, will grow as these words are absorbed daily while coming from a position of centeredness. Set free the “I Am” of who you are and be Love & Light to All.

If you are an Literary Agent or know one and would like to help see Love Illuminations published with a main line publishing house please email me at 
©2010 David Shepherd-Love, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Galactic Village

Love Illuminations Sept. 29, 2010 "Step Forward"

As we look at our feet, a symbol for higher understanding can be realized. The feet are what carry us down the path toward enlightenment.

In the mind and then in the heart the idea of movement is conceived. Yet, here on a “human” level, an idea can become stagnant. An action is required... a step forward to allow this idea of creation to come into manifestation.

Within us also; as active “God/Human,” is the ability to create by bringing our projections of creation into perfect alignment with the creative flow of God. Here - All movement is set into action.

Our feet, as symbols, find even a higher reality. Saying, “You are the Creator, take the steps forward in alignment with the universal creator and the legions of heaven are at your command.” So Be It!!
~Day 9~

At times, the days of our lives may seem empty and without direction, yet within we know there must be a Master Plan. These words are brought to you to give you strength on your spiritual journey, as they have me on mine. For 150 days a writing came forth as a part of a daily meditation. You too, will grow as these words are absorbed daily while coming from a position of centeredness. Set free the “I Am” of who you are and be Love & Light to All.

If you are an Literary Agent or know one and would like to help see Love Illuminations published with a main line publishing house please email me at 
©2010 David Shepherd-Love, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Love Illuminations Sept. 28, 2010 "Reflecting Mother/Father God"

It is preordained in the great Cosmos of space that we all will come to a point of truly loving ourselves. How would it be possible to love others while from this point the love starts is dingy and darkened by mistrust and guilt?

It has been said by many masters, “Come to know self, ultimately, you will also come to know the secrets, for contained within your being is a portion of every part of this Great Universe.”

You truly are Mother/Father God made manifest as a reflection of their Beings. Will you choose to reflect Them in your life... consciously? God is Love and God is Light; in Them there is no darkness at all.

By bringing your-self to a point of pure love all darkness will be dispelled. You will walk as Kings and Queens. The Garden of this New Age will bring you fruits of Happiness, prosperity and all Good... Simply Love Yourself.
~Day 8~
At times, the days of our lives may seem empty and without direction, yet within we know there must be a Master Plan. These words are brought to you to give you strength on your spiritual journey, as they have me on mine. For 150 days a writing came forth as a part of a daily meditation. You too, will grow as these words are absorbed daily while coming from a position of centeredness. Set free the “I Am” of who you are and be Love & Light to All.

If you are an Literary Agent or know one and would like to help see Love Illuminations published with a main line publishing house please email me at 
©2010 David Shepherd-Love, All Rights Reserved

Monday, September 27, 2010

Love Illuminations Sept. 27, 2010 "Power of Love"

Moving into this new day; the first day of the rest of my life, I will look for and see Love-Light within everyone... making us all one.

I will, in the infinity of the now, also see this love-light burning bright within me, and freely allow it to enlighten myself and others.

I come as a child of God this day, putting forth only my best, and expecting only the best from the totality of my environment. Today (All Times) I Know the Power of Love.
~Day 7~
At times, the days of our lives may seem empty and without direction, yet within we know there must be a Master Plan. These words are brought to you to give you strength on your spiritual journey, as they have me on mine. For 150 days a writing came forth as a part of a daily meditation. You too, will grow as these words are absorbed daily while coming from a position of centeredness. Set free the “I Am” of who you are and be Love & Light to All.

If you are an Literary Agent or know one and would like to help see Love Illuminations published with a main line publishing house please email me at 
©2010 David Shepherd-Love, All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Love Illuminations Sept. 26, 2010 "A True Lover"

Floating as a balloon I move freely across the space that encompasses me. I see the tears and the laughter of those around me; yet, by “Will,” I choose to not take them in on an emotional level.

I pursue the path Divine Love would have me go down and in this do I close my eyes to the “feelings” of others? Yet, I know Divine Source lives in all. It is the light that shines upon all life in this world.

I as a true lover of life must be sensitive to expressions of all life forms, yet, be as God and be in an non-changing state of love perfection, for Divine Source loves all the same.

Mother/Father God may not approve of ones action, yet, They could never influx Their beings to love none-the-less. I am becoming as God everyday.
~Day 6~
At times, the days of our lives may seem empty and without direction, yet within we know there must be a Master Plan. These words are brought to you to give you strength on your spiritual journey, as they have me on mine. For 150 days a writing came forth as a part of a daily meditation. You too, will grow as these words are absorbed daily while coming from a position of centeredness. Set free the “I Am” of who you are and be Love & Light to All.

If you are an Literary Agent or know one and would like to help see Love Illuminations published with a main line publishing house please email me at 
©2010 David Shepherd-Love, All Rights Reserved

The Art of Waiting

Beloveds, many of us are feeling the energy of Change all around us. We know the world is changing and even have become aware of Universal Change. Know that you are not alone in this huge influx of energy you are feeling. All of us are feeling this. It is as if we have become aware of a Grand Ball, we know it is going to happen and we know it will be Spectacular. Yet the Grandness of that moment does not “appear” to be here yet. So we believe we are being ask to Wait.

Beloved One, there is much we can focus on while this sweet earth and Her precious people are being readied for the Change. We are asked to be present in the moment, for it is in this presentness we prepare for the future creating with our every breath the Garden Paradise that is to come. We become the catalyst for Change. In this, Precious One, Be Here Now and Love, for it is in Loving and not Longing we create Paradise. Living with a sense of “longing” for our true love to return puts us outside the moment. We become trapped in the illusion that we are without. Truly I say unto you, We are One. We have it All. See this Moment of perfect consecration and Become One with it. We are the Creators of the Grand Ball.

Many of us are searching for our Twin Flame, the one to restore Our life, our love, to the Brilliance of a thousand suns. Know that YOU are that Twin Flame. You are the Spiraling Energy of your Kundalini Flame. You contain both masculine and feminine energy grids. Many of us still have these energies tightly coiled at the base of our spines waiting to be uncoiled and set free; to free US. As we wait for the Grand Ball we can send light, love and harmonious energy to ourselves and others. Seek disciplines of Loving and Healing Yourself and Others. In this Your Twin Flame will arrive and the Grandness you seek will be a Joyful Homecoming, a return to yourself, a return to innocence.
Surround yourself Beloveds with that which is pure, holy and beautiful. Create Your Reality Knowing the illusion of this world in its negativity and belief in lack are but chains of light. Once You realize they are energy, self created, they will fall away as wisps of smoke. You hold within the Releasing of your Powerful Twin Flame Energy. Do not Wait or Want, Simply Know Now is Your Shinning Moment. Set Yourself Free!!
Dear Ones You are the One you have been waiting for. The Grand Ball has Arrived and the world is Transforming right before your very Eyes. Seize the Moment and Know Divine Destiny is Right in your Hands and Heart. We Are Not Waiting. We Have Arrived. All borders to our ascension are now removed. We have Merged with Our Beloved for he/she is us. We Are Free. Embrace this moment and Dance. Dance Beloved One as if you are in the Grandest Ball of All. This is Y-OUR moment. It is Eternal and It is Beautiful. The Wait is Over.

~Channeling of Higher Self by David Shepherd-Love

©2010 David Shepherd-Love, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Love Illuminations Sept. 25, 2010 "Releasing Burdens"

There comes a time in our life when the burdens of the past become so heavy we seem as a beast of burden, loaded to the hilt and trudging down the way we are told to go.

All the past deeds of others and of self are still there... still not forgiven.

Some use a wagon to carry this burden; and while the load seems lighter it in reality gives it a chance to accumulate even more, while the burden remains ever attached.
Free yourself... Forgive your Brother and your Sister and especially Yourself, for it was you who decided to make it a burden in the first place.

As you Truly do this, from the Heart, your load will become lighter and with practice you will be as free as the birds and as mighty as Human-in-God can be.

Love Yourself.
~Day 5~
At times, the days of our lives may seem empty and without direction, yet within we know there must be a Master Plan. These words are brought to you to give you strength on your spiritual journey, as they have me on mine. For 150 days a writing came forth as a part of a daily meditation. You too, will grow as these words are absorbed daily while coming from a position of centeredness. Set free the “I Am” of who you are and be Love & Light to All.

If you are an Literary Agent or know one and would like to help see Love Illuminations published with a main line publishing house please email me at 
©2010 David Shepherd-Love, All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 24, 2010

Love Illuminations Sept. 24, 2010 "Take Wings"

Life, as it would seem, has many ups and downs.  We are caught on that “Merry-go-round;” bobbing up and down and going round and round, while all the time we have our mind's eye on the prize just beyond reach; limited by the physical.

    If you would only see your “horse” not as attached and going round in circles, but instead, with wings of Freedom.  Then in a harmonious balance of strength and grace you can fly.

    All the prizes are yours, just take wings, my friend, and believe.... you will see.
~Day 4~

At times, the days of our lives may seem empty and without direction, yet within we know there must be a Master Plan. These words are brought to you to give you strength on your spiritual journey, as they have me on mine. For 150 days a writing came forth as a part of a daily meditation. You too, will grow as these words are absorbed daily while coming from a position of centeredness. Set free the “I Am” of who you are and be Love & Light to All.

If you are an Literary Agent or know one and would like to help see Love Illuminations published with a main line publishing house please email me at 
©2010 David Shepherd-Love, All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Love Illuminations Sept. 23, 2010 "Our Earthly Path"

Into this world we are sent, caste into the form of Human and physical.  We soon see at the instant of birth this encasement of flesh is a blessing. Then, with the introduction of pain, the illusion of the material world quickly begins to alter the perception of the spiritual reality we lost (in consciousness) during this “coming.”
    We now must earn our daily bread and find, while rising above temptations; Happiness.  We cross many rivers and think to ourselves, “Where is the time going?” “Which path leads me to where I need to go?”

    Lost in the “searching for bread” you burn up many carnal experiences and yet it is going too fast.  The rewards of heaven are not coming in this space as you (in self) would expect.

    I cry out to you from the depths of my soul, “See the Signs!!  Watch for those gates to heaven.  They are around every corner.  You can rise above the illusion of this world of pain and form.”

    Reborn you soar to the point of your origin to experience God and Love.  Yes, in trust, it will all work out.
~Day 3~
At times, the days of our lives may seem empty and without direction, yet within we know there must be a Master Plan. These words are brought to you to give you strength on your spiritual journey, as they have me on mine. For 150 days a writing came forth as a part of a daily meditation. You too, will grow as these words are absorbed daily while coming from a position of centeredness. Set free the “I Am” of who you are and be Love & Light to All.

If you are an Literary Agent or know one and would like to help see Love Illuminations published with a main line publishing house please email me at 
©2010 David Shepherd-Love, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Love Illuminations Sept. 22, 2010 "Your Ascension"

On wings of silver my heart is lifted up to a place of the greatest. Up above this sweet earth I fly free and see and work with my “invisible” brothers and sisters.

They tell me, in order that I may pass it along; “Fear not, my beloved, you are becoming a child of the Universe and you know of the golden thread that unites all life.”

Your ascension into heaven happens all the time you Love; for truly I say unto you, “God is Love. You are one with Love while maintaining the Divine Perspective.”

The mortal of my body found its Freedom this day. In Light I Am.
~Day 2~
At times, the days of our lives may seem empty and without direction, yet within we know there must be a Master Plan. These words are brought to you to give you strength on your spiritual journey, as they have me on mine. For 150 days a writing came forth as a part of a daily meditation. You too, will grow as these words are absorbed daily while coming from a position of centeredness. Set free the “I Am” of who you are and be Love & Light to All.

If you are an Literary Agent or know one and would like to help see Love Illuminations published with a main line publishing house please email me at 
©2010 David Shepherd-Love, All Rights Reserved

Love Illuminations Sept. 21, 2010 "Day One"

Within this book are words of Wisdom. Words of times and those that help us with our climb.

Bringing my heart to a center focus... Seeing the one light that burns brightly in the family of Human-Kind and Loving God, with all my Heart, Mind and Strength a resurrection of life will be mine.

Here I sit as one man with a plan and for the eternal moment of the now I know I am one with you because you too, love.

Peace be with you, my child, and you will find your “Pot of Gold” at the end of the Rainbow. I salute you and move into greater consciousness.
~Day 1~

At times, the days of our lives may seem empty and without direction, yet within we know there must be a Master Plan. These words are brought to you to give you strength on your spiritual journey, as they have me on mine. For 150 days a writing came forth as a part of a daily meditation. You too, will grow as these words are absorbed daily while coming from a position of centeredness. Set free the “I Am” of who you are and be Love & Light to All.

If you are an Literary Agent or know one and would like to help see Love Illuminations published with a main line publishing house please email me at
©2010 David Shepherd-Love, All Rights Reserved